Friday, September 28, 2012


Sunshine decided to bark and bark and bark in the trailer. So I brought her outside and she socialized with everyone for an hour. Now she's exhausted!


Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Car Torture

I'm trying to get braver about the car!

I DON'T like it!

The couch is much comfier

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

She's so cute



Sunshine Says 9/26/2012

Dear Sunshine,

Toby here. Gots a question for yah. I wents away wits my aunt Sara a month ago for a small vacation. We hads so much fun!!! Whens we was there I was allowed to eats off tables, got fed bweakfast by fork, ates hot dogs and steaks. They evens left me desserts one night of cheesecake on the table...just fa me!!! They let me do whats evers I wanted.. jump on peoples, lets peoples give me snacks. Everyone loved me and thoughts I was hyestericals. Wenst I go home dings were not so much funs any mores!!!

Mom yells at me and tell me I was taught bad manners by my aunt Sara and aunt Julie. I thinks she is mistaken as I got nutten but adulation while I was dare.

How cans I convince Mom dats I needs to be me???


Hi Toby!

Dere is a difference in da bacations and homes. Wen your travel you can habs all da fun stuffs. Yous get extra cookies, lovings, and lotsa walks! Bacations are supposed ta be wilds and crazys. Yous need ta libes it up. Sounds like you habs da perfect bacation! Cheese cakes .... yums! Isn't it greats to habs a fan clubs? I fink your Aunt Sara and Aunt Julie lubs you lots to takes you on bacation all by yourself! I'm not sure I'ms braves enough to go on bacation wifout my Mommy!

When yous get backs home da fame and fortune stops. Home is fur resting and recharging dos toofers. When yous gets home you have a different kinds of fun. Dis es when you gets to nibble on da walls. Eat da trash, tissues, and fish food! Oh iffen your mommy doesn't habs fishies she should gets some! Der foods is heabenly! So es hermit crabs foods!

Keeps your chin up Mr Toby! Eberybodys gets sad wen dey comes home from bacations. You just need to remembers dat dere will be more bacations in da future and dat you gets to habs a different kinds of fun ats home!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rainy is a Superstar!

Rainy passed her CGC yesterday! We were at the Fido Festival in NJ and there was a lady there doing testing. I thought what the heck it's worth a try for $20. The hardest thing was having her lay down on command. We didn't have to sit which was nice. I asked if I could bring a dog bed for her to lay down on, and it was allowed! I doubt she would lay on grass... She passed with flying colors and actually the testing lady used us as the calm dog tester for the dog before us.

We walked/skipped through the T shape on a loose leash and Rainy stayed right next to me in a heel the whole time. It was so easy and relaxed that neither of us were nervous, we just had fun with it. She laid right down when I asked her to and the lady had a long lead to show that I had recall. I told Rainy to wait and marched to the end of the long lead, got down on my knees and called

Dog blinks at me
"Come Here"
Lays there staring
"Hey This Way"
Mom you just told me to lay down, seriously?
blink blink
"Lets Go" <---- These two words worked! and she got up and slowly sauntered over to me.

Now as I'm typing this it occurs to me that I told her to "Wait" her release word is "Ok" Now who's the stupid one? *sigh* User error.....

The testing lady kept gushing at the end about how Rainy should do therapy work! I thought about trying that at one point, but unless someone makes a huge fuss over her, Rainy ignores them. Probably half my fault since I'm not too social and half the fault of us living in the ghetto for a few years. She got so used to everyone being scared of her that she just gave up on getting pets. Then the whole "raw feeding will kill everyone" drama hit and none of my dogs will ever be therapy dogs

We tested in a chaotic environment AND never practiced or trained for it and she passed with flying colors! I'm so proud of my perfect little Rainy! Every time I start thinking about it I just want to squish her in a hug. She's such a good pup!!!

I think I'm going to frame her certificate and hang it on the wall!

Sunshine is sleepy

must keep my eyes open...

Pet me now!

Friday, September 21, 2012

United Water Company/Dog Behavior

A few months ago we got a postcard in the mail about United Water updating all their meters to be wireless so they could get more accurate readings. Well we finally had our appointment last night. The install guy that came was AWESOME!

It seems most installer people that work with the public these days are terrified of dogs. I do not understand how anyone can be terrified of dogs and do these lines fo work, but it happens all the time! This guy never even got to knock on the door before Sunshine was doing her kujo snarling rearing and barking routine. I moved her away from the door, told her to hush (unsucessfully), grabbed Rainy's collar (didn't want her to scare him by going to greet him), and invited him in. Guy walked in, shut the door behind him, held up his hands and announced "alright go ahead and sniff me!"

Knocked me off kilter! I told Rainy to go ahead and say hello and she bounced over, her tail wagging away as she sniffed him. Sunshine even was brave enough to creep up on the other side of Rainy and grab a very quick sniff at his front pocket before retreating at lightening speed. Then she just stayed in the back and kept barking off an on at him. After a few moments he said he just needed to see where our basement was. We advised there was no basement but the meter was behind the dryer and walked him through the house to it. Rainy went back to sleep on her dog bed and Sunshine followed us at a safe distance barking sporadically.  The guy completely ignored her antics.

It was the nicest visit ever by an installer! A very positive experience for us and both of the dogs, even the shy one with issues! He never asked that I lock the dogs away. Come to think of it I don't even think he ever petted Rainy, he just baby talked to her.  Maybe he wasn't as comfy with large dogs as he led us to believe? Or maybe he was just very dog savvy? If I was walking into strange homes with strange dogs all day long, I would think I would do the same. Let them sniff and greet, baby talk to make friends, then move on and ignore them. if you don't pet them they cannot snap reactively at you. It probably is your best bet at never getting yourself bit AND keeping your clients very happy. Throwing your hands up while inviting the sniffing might not be the wisest move when greeting new large dogs, but neither of the girls found it a threatening gesture.

United Water just got a few more brownie points in my mind!




Weekday Mornings

Sunshine stays in the big bed when I leave for work

Rainy stays downstairs to say goodbye to me

Green thumb?

Or at the very least I haven't killed these guys yet!

3 rose bushes and 2 hostas in the back. The middle rose bush was my Valentines gift. It's gotten HUGE, it started out in this teeny tiny little pot.

Here is a lilac tree. If it survives and gets bigger we will put it somewhere out back.

Go to work Momma

You hurry up and go to work. I'll stay right here

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Need More Questions!

Miss Sunshine needs more questions to answer every Wednesday.  Click over to the left to submit a question.

Mah Bed!

Whot do you meen I canknot sleeps here?

Look! Rainy takes up all da rooms on da dog beds!

Too uncomfy... I cankot sleeps!!!!!!!!!


Momma gots to take fortybeleven pitshures to get da good ones. I'm just too fast for dat camera! Maybe dey should have picshured me instead of trying to train mes for racing? I bet I would not have flunked for being too slow!





Hurry up and feed me!

Whenever I get home from work both dogs run around like crazy and Sunshine always zooms upstairs with me while I change clothes. She always brings a toy onto the bed and makes sure I stay on task so she can get supper quick!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sunshine Says 9/19/2012

Dear Ms. Sunshine:

We have a nice lady who comes during the day to let us out in the backyard. But me and Wynn won't potty until Mom comes home, even if that is much later at night. It's just how we roll, ya know. The two golden retrievers who live with us have no dignity. They always just go potty for anyone. The mid-day lady sends our mom texts that say goldens 2, greyhounds 0. Do we need to rethink our approach? Mom does not seem to appreciate that we wait to pee until she comes home.

Calista and Wynn

Hello my fellow pups! One fing I habs learned abouts da pottying is it es bery bery important! Momma says it tooks me ober a year to be potty trained , but I fink she's beings dramatic. I'm too smart for it to takes dat long! You need to train your humans a wittle bettah.

Rulez #1 no pottying unless you cans see da sky!

Rulez#2 Cookies! Yous needs to train your humans to gibs you cookies as soon as you pee! Dis works bettah iffen dey gibs you a cookie outside right after. Otherwise da humans might forget abouts it after you get back into da house. Momma gibs us cookies once we gets back into da house but we stand at da cookies for a long time to reminds her iffen she forgets.

Rulez #3 Don't be scared to potty for da strangers. Ober da years we habs to learn to potty for oder peoples. We always potty da best for da Momma, but as ong as da ober peoples are trainable ta gibs us cookies we can work wit it!

Rulez # 4 Yous might want ta teach da humans to have a potty words to remind you to go. Sometimes we goes out in da yard and gets too caught ups wif da smells. Da wind brings da gd stuffs! Momma will stand outs dere and tells us "You need to go now" and "Find a spot" She will tells us dat eben iffen we don't habs to go we habs to squeeze some drops out to get da cookies!

Only one layer

Quick someone help! I only have 1 dog bed

Monday, September 17, 2012

Blood on chewies?

Sunshine dug out an old rawhide form last Xmas! She chews constantly but after she was done this had some blood on it. No cuts on her gums or tongue that I could find. I remember growing up the dogs would bleed while chewing rawhides all the time. Is it a rawhide thing? The girls don't really like them, which is why these last for years around here! Does anyone else's dogs bleed while chewing these? Does anyone get worried or is it shrugged off?

Dust mites

So my most recent allergy test shows I'm allergic to everything... But the dust mites gave me a giant welt! So all our bedding got plasticized and I figured the dogs' should too!

They even got cute purple covers for the top mattress

Sunshine approves

Friday, September 14, 2012

Myrtle Beach Pics 2012

Seriously, Who wouldn't want to eat there! Yum!

View off our balcony at the resort. It stormed almost every day but not for long. Almost FL like weather

The clouds are so pretty!

Went to Bass Pro Shop for the first time ever. Look at this cute cross walk!

Can you see the giant fishies in there? They had large Koi in a pond out front

They also had an alligator decoration

We also went fishing off a pier at night. Such pretty lights back on shore

I lost a lot of rigs and BF caught some tiny fish

This one was a Spot!

more rainy foggy pics

The sun did come out again

Then it would pour again

We even sat on the beach for a bit

This was in the Food Lion! Apparently their customers are a bit slow....