Monday, February 27, 2012

Frizzle in the bathtub

Frizzle is a unique kitty who LOVES playing in the bathtub.

We've been here for 4 months and she has just discovered we have a curtain instead of a shower door! She is thrilled! She will even sit on the edge of the tub in between the shower curtain and liner to bat at with the water while it's on. None of my animals are normal...

Snow pics!

Not sure I'll ever get tired of looking at a peaceful snow covered backyard!


Quote of the day

Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wow, Mom really likes to yell!

Sunshine here! I'm starting to think Mom likes yelling at me... In the middle of he night a pitcher fell in the kitchen. It was highly dangerous so I alerted the entire household right-away-quick! Mom came down and found the evil plastic pitcher and said I was a good guard dog. Then she let me outside to pee.

We all went back upstairs and settled in to sleep. Then I got to thinking maaaayyyybbeee there was someone going to mess with my backyard! So I woke Rainy up and we crept downstairs really quiet so we can surprise the bad guys in our yard. As soon as we got down there I started barking really loud! Whoever even thought of messing with our yard must have run right away.

Mom came rushing downstairs yelling. I don't understand why... She let us outside so Rainy could pee and yelled at us to go back upstairs to bed. Then she put a baby gate in the doorway! We aren't babies!  It's insulting.

So I was trying to sleep and a little voice in my head told me to go look outside again. So I got up and shook the sleepiness off. Walked over to the baby gate and slowly started to worm my way underneath it.

Mom has a demon voice when she's really mad. Usually only the naughty kitties get that voice. She growly, demony, raspily, hollered at me and told me to "GET BACK TO BED" She gets scary!

I belly crawled backwards back into the room and slinked back to bed very quietly. She always says we live at a zoo and I was just showing her that she should take us puppies with her in the morning to the Philadelphia Zoo. Maybe I need a new nicer mommy.

Rainy says


Sunday mornings are so hard

Friday, February 24, 2012


How to Dremel Nails

*This is for large breeds with non hairy feet* If you want to dremel a small breed you will need a smaller dremel and be vary careful about not getting the dog's fur caught in the dremel. It will rip the fur out in a blink of an eye.

Step 1. Buy a dremel. The ones made for dogs are worthless! They don't have enough power for the big nails. You can go with battery powered or corded. I've had both and prefer corded. The battery powered one didn't have as much power and it died too quickly. I bought the cheapest corded dremel from the hardware aisle in Walmart. It's not even on the same power chart as the dremels marketed for dogs.  I use a long 10ft extension cord so I'm fairly mobile with the dremel. You do not want to limit your movement with a short cord.

Step 2. ONLY USE A SAND PAPER ATTACHMENT. Never use any other attachments. They will heat up instantly and hurt your dog. Your dremel should come with at least 1 sand paper attachment. You can buy replacements at any hardware store. I actually found some at a farmers market priced at 10 for $2, so I'm set for years.

Step 3. Find a comfy spot to do the nails. If your dog has space issues using their dog bed night not be a good idea! You can do it standing and just lift up each foot. I'm lazy and found the easiest on my back is to have them hop on the couch and me sit on the floor. If you think your greyhound is going to react poorly, has half a chance to be nervous, or YOU are nervous; muzzle! You can spread peanut butter all along the inside of the muzzle which will instantly give your dog a awesome association with getting those nails done.

Step 4. It's recommended to use eye and breathing protection. I'm a rebel and am too lazy to get into all of that!

Step 5. Since you have the turbo charged dremel not made for dogs you will want to keep the setting on low- low/med.

Step 6. Make sure you support each toe as you do each nail. Never dremel for more than a second or so on each nail. I use quick swipes to quickly take the nail off. You don't have to press down at all just let it pass over the end of the nail. The friction will eventually heat the nail up and cause pain. Once you cause pain I would imagine it would be hard to convince the dog that this is a fun activity! It's much easier to do nails if your pup is relaxed and happy.

Step 7. Give cookies! The girls have special cookies that they only get for bathtime, ear cleaning, and nails.

If your dogs are nervous around the dremel at first, try just doing 1 nail a day and immediately giving a yummy cookie. I try to dremel the girls once a week. If your trying to get the quicks of the nail to recede you might want to dremel every 3 days and just take a teeny tiny bit off each time.

As you can see in the videos Rainy doesn't like her front legs done.  I just make sure to provide extra support on those toes and only use the dremel for 1/2 the time on each of those nails. I also won't start doing her nails until she relaxes about me holding her paw.

Nail Dremel Video #1

We didn't know about the flash option for this video...

Nail Dremel Video #2

Nail Dremel Video #3



Thursday, February 23, 2012

Husky involved in newborn's death gets reprieve

Bill Yuhring, you are a hero! So glad someone finally has some brain cells! Who leaves an injured dog, with a ghetto home made splint, that you have only known for a month, alone with a 2 day old infant!!! The stupidness of people never cease to amaze me. I've known my dogs for years and I wouldn't leave them alone with an infant for even a second. At the very least I would make sure the infant wasn't on the floor!

I'm so glad someone intelligent stepped in and saved this puppy. Yes he is an 18 month old puppy! Of course puppies are the most reliable dogs ever and should always be 100% trusted. We really do need a sarcasm font.

I really hope they pursue charges against the mother, Brandy Furlong. Who has a dog with a broken leg and doesn't take them to the vet? All of the animals should be removed from that home.

People never cease to disappoint me.

Kitty update

When BF arrived home he couldn't find Murdoc either.  As soon as I got home I started looking under/behind the couches, telling BF that we need to move the mattress and look inside the boxsprings for a body.... Murdoc came strolling down stairs and went to eat his wet food from this morning!  Bratty cat! At least he's alive, eating, and normally crabby when I tried to look at his gum color. He tried to bite me as I was checking his capillary refill.

Comfy couch

Looks Mom, I'm not even chewing the pillow!

I'm a good puppy!

Missing kitty

Murdoc never showed up this morning... He has just been picking at his kibble for the past few days and I thought nothing of it since they are now eating the healthy limited ingredient blue buffalo stuff. I figured he was on a pissy "It's not my yummy junk food" strike.

Last night we were bringing in firewood from outside so I scooped up both cats and locked them in the bathroom to keep them from darting outside. Usually he grabs onto the door frame for dear life to keep from being put in there and tries to commit suicide by darting through the closing door. Then once you have him in there he screams, digs at the door, and sometimes knocks the doorknob around enough to lock the bathroom door. BF usually has to jimmy it open with a screw driver...

He went in quietly and staid in there quietly... Maybe he was finally calming down about it? When I let them out he came stalking out shook with cattitude, gave me a dirty look and a flick of his tail. I didn't think anything was wrong since he was correctly insulted.

Last night while watching TV he was curled up on the cushy dog bed like he always does...

This morning he is no where to be found! Usually he meets me in the kitchen for his morning kibble ration. Frizzle was the only one there this morning. So I go through the house calling him (he actually comes when you call him!) and turn up nothing. I go back down to the kitchen and loudly open a can of wet food.... No kitty. I make sure he's not locked in BFk's room and it's empty.

Asked BF to look for him when he gets home tonight. :( I really hope I don't end up digging a hole tonight it'll really ruin the evening....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So far a success!

This blog has been running for less than 3 solid months and we've already had 4629 visitors. Our busiest day was 239 visitors. I think some celebration is in order!

What does everyone want to see more of? Just leave suggestions in the comments.

Bring your dog to a WINGS game!

I got an email saying that the Philadelphia Lacrosse Wings are having a 'bring your dog to the game' day. What fun! This would be awesome for socializing (torture) of Sunshine. Huge walking space to keep us occupied while the boys watch the game in the seats. Plus you can get tickets starting at $10.  It's a nice loud environment with lots of yelling along with a quieter environment of venders for an escape from the stress place.  This would be awesome for Sunshine to experience.

I'm starting to get excited about this and click on the email to go buy tickets. The best tickets available are $15 each. Still amazingly cheap for a sporting ticket. Then we get to the fine print...

Philadelphia Wings Dog Days Owner instructions

  • Owner is fully responsible for dog's actions and any damages or injuries that may result from dog.

  • Owner must have dog on a leash and stay with dog at all times. The Wings will provide sitters for those times when the owner must leave the area without the dog.

  • Owner and dog must obey specific instructions provided by arena staff and may only access specific areas of arena with dog.

  •  The Wells Fargo Center will have a separate entrance and seating area for fans with dogs!

So wait... You have to only stay in a small area? So there is no walking your dog around. Your dog is not allowed to leave that area and if you need to use the bathroom or go get something to eat there will be staff who will watch my dog?

Why on earth would I leave my dogs with some stranger while in a unfamiliar area in close proximity with unfamiliar dogs who may or may not be friendly/rude! Glad I caught on to the rules before wasting my money. They probably have some hidden weight limit for the pooches too! I suppose I could call for clarification but at the moment I'm a little disgruntled.

Fine print is depressing...


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Talk to the Toes!

Says Frizzle

Dangers of the flirt pole

I just got bit....  The best part is as soon as Sunshine figured out she was chomping on my hand instead of the stuffy,  she screamed and ran away. I didn't even have time to react!

At least Rainy gave up the lure easier today. 

As soon as I brought it outside both dogs went nuts!  I wonder if the novelty will eventually wear off?

I'm a pretzel

Oh so you want to take my picture? Ok I'll look cute for a minute...

I'm done! Now Go Away!

Don't look at me! Put that Flashy Box away!

Again with the Flashy Box? How about you turn up the heat instead?

Maybe start a fire?

Winter is cold....


Monday, February 20, 2012

Flirt pole??

*disclaimer* I was embracing my holiday off work was cleaning in the house all day and am still in my jammies, just keep looking at the cute dogs!

I've been meaning to make a flirt pole up for years and never quite got around to it until now. I expected Sunshine to like it since she looses her mind whenever she's around a fishing pole! Never expected Rainy to be this serious about it! She will never play tug with any of her toys. If she's playing and you go to touch her toy she spits it out and stops playing immediately. Therefore she's never really been taught "drop it"

I try not to do long videos since I think they are boring if more than 60 seconds, but this was just too out of character for Rainy and hysterical!

Click here for the flirt pole video!

After we got inside Sunshine couldn't even make it to the living room before crashing!

Rainy just flopped down in the kitchen.

My arms and chest already hurt from lifting Rainy off the ground! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time...


A Fun Saturday Night

We went out Saturday night to a country bar in Elkton MD called Uncle Bob's. I'm not much of a bar person, but it's always a good time there. One of the rare times you will see a picture of me. The critters are so much cuter!

Walk around our new house

Rainy loves her walks.

Sunshine is all bundled up and ready to go.

She is always on the look out for possible scary strangers..

Rainy is more interested in sniffing the sniffs

Which would be easier to do if a certain younger sister wasn't always shoving her way in!


Greyhounds have a prey drive

Even ones who live with kitties!

I finally made a flirt pole. WOW! Rainy locked on and would not let go! I need to get a video of this


We don't have fluffy enough spots to lay!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Quote of the day

Be careful of the toes you step on today, because they just might be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.

--- Anonymous

Friday, February 17, 2012

Frizzle is stuck

She somehow got herself wedged in between BF and Sunshine in the middle of the night.

Makes you wonder if she can breathe...




She's so adorable when sleeping

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I lubs me this couch! I haven't gotten on the couch until we moved into this house. Before that I only got on the couch when Mommy made me!