Monday, April 28, 2014

Yummy Treat Tuesday

20140321_222935(0)Sunshine is so hopeful that Rainy will not finish her pig ear... A girl has to have dreams!


Motivational Monday

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover. –Mark Twain

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Paws Off Bed Cover

All the critters still love it! It's held up well so far. I actually have two so when I wash one I can throw the back up on. It's really helped with my allergies at night too.

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Yummy Treat Tuesday

Recently Rainy has been refusing to eat out of her raised feeder. I use plant stands and her's toppled over one too many times. She hates stuff being dropped on her. Wonder where on earth she developed that fear... Ops! :) I spent weeks trying to figure out a cheap way to build a more solid heavy raised feeder that was also portable. What could be cheaper than two $2.60 buckets? Fill with water and they are heavy 5 gallon buckets. Squirt some dish soap and hopefully the mosquitoes won't breed in the water this summer. The pups approve!





Wordless Wednesday

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Motivational Monday

Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. –Babe Ruth

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Motivational Monday

A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done. ~Vince Lombardi

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Backsplash Update

20140209_161130 Next we have to paint the cabinets. I'm thinking maybe a light grey color? 20140216_201444