Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Stoooopid Muzzle!

Sunshine here! I habs a complain!

I'm starbing!!!!!! This muzzle has it tooo hard to get da nomnoms. It's so much work!


Adventures of raw feeding

The main thing I've noticed since starting to make the dog's diet myself, is that everyone is so helpful. If I have a question about anything diet wise, I can easily find people close by to find an answer for me.  Whether it's the digestibility of a certain veggie, or wondering about adding in a different supplement.

I know many people still feed kibble, but do supplement with fish oil. I want to share a way to get tons of yummy fresh unprocessed salmon oil into your pups. (and kitties)


They are slow dried salmon skins and just feeding a little of this every day or every few days and you will notice a difference in your critters coats. These are best stored in the freezer. That way it's not too oily and you can cut off bits with scissors. Plus it's messy messy when fed frozen.

Try it out and let me know what you think of it!

On a related note... I have joined a new crazy club. We now have an outdoor freezer to store all the dog food in! Think of all the bulk buys I can do now!


How many puppies get to eat one of these for dinner?


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm killing my dogs!

At least that's what some vets will yell at me about. *eyeroll* I hacked apart a oven roaster chicken and gave each pup a half.

Rainy approves

Sunshine says "Fanks Mom!"

I can't wait to dig in!

I'ma gonna use mah toofers

Time for you to leave so I can eats

Your not leaving are you....

Ok I'll just eats den!

Rainy says "I lubs you Mr Chikken"

Momma go away wid da flashy box

You are interrupting mah special moment


Bonus Sunshine Says 7/25/2012

Why does mom get so upset when we eat poop in
the back yard? She started putting our "outside" muzzles on each time we
went out; and when she discovered that we could squish the tasty poop into
our mouths, she put a "poop guard" on the front to end out snacking. Why
can't she just see it as our helping her keep the backyard clean? And all
she does is just throw that tasty poop away. What a waste! Please

Jolie and Maggie

Hello mah foster sisters Jolie and Maggie! You are using da poop wrong! Your only supposed to eated the cats poop out der. Your supposed to take bafs in da puppy poop. Iffen you taken da heavenly smelling bafs only on da one side you gets to keeps it on yuuu longer. It's a gud conditioner fur your fur and so much fun to squishy it around on yur side.

It's ok iffen you have to wear da muzzles. It won't effect da baffs you can habs. Plus dis helps out so much more for your Mommy! Fink of all da poops you can help clean outta da yards! Remeber dis es da only gud kind of baffs you can get.

So Jolie and Maggie habs fun wif dos baffs!

Sunshine Says 7/25/2012

Dear Miss Sunshine,
Why do my humans make such a big fuss every time I manage to find a nice
brown morsal nugget in the yard???? I mean, will they ever understand
recycling???                            Dreamer

Hello Dreamer!

You and Toby, from last week, should get together and share notes! It sounds like your trying to help your humans keep the yard clean! Your hearing them wrong. They are not fussing at you they are thanking you for helping out. Your such a helpful pup. Your humans are thankful to have you. No one wants a dirty poop filled yard. If your belly gets too full you can always help clean the yard by taking a nice wiggly roll in it.

Happy Recycling!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Has a new sleepy spot. She like sleeping at the top of the stairs so she can be in charge of who goes up and down.

Brave Sunshine!

So we are sitting in the livingroom watching TV and we start to hear this whirling noise. BF's Kid is upstairs so I ignore it. Kids have the ability to make the most bizarre sounds and usually it's just best ignored! Sunshine gives it 4-5 minutes before she darts off the couch and speeds up the stairs to see what's going on.

Then she starts barking and I hear laughing... Go up to investigate and she is trying her hardest to scare away an intruder and save BF's Kid who is trapped in his bedroom!

As soon as Rainy and I got up there she calmed down and no longer felt in charge of the situation.


Then the boys took the helicopter outside. The girls thought that was VERY unfair


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Don't forget to "like" us on Facebook!


Only 28 more "likes" until we give away a green tag collar.


Do I look 56lbs here? How tiny can YOU get?

Sunshine Says 7/18/2012

Dear Sunshine,

I have a problem. I like to eat. I like to eat anything. I like kibble,snacks, vegetables, mulch, dirt and everything else. I have yet to turn away anything that Mom gives me or I find on the ground. You would think she would be happy that I am not a picky eater and include ruffage in my diet. She actually calls me chubby!! What is that all about??? I am actually very sexy. The problem I am having is that she is stopping me from snacking on certain things.

So I guess here is my question. I like to snack on poop occasionally. I
mean isnt that good??? Its nutritious, low calorie, free and comes in many
varieties. I will sometimes snack on mine and Shaina's poop in the yard but
not often because she watches me like a hawk and besides that it doesnt
have a much different flavor then our food. What I really like to snack on
is other pups poop that I find out our walks. Theirs taste much different
than ours and have better flavor. She yells at me all the time so I dont do
it when I'm with her but our dog walker is a softie so I can get a few bites
in before she notices.
What is your opinion on poop?

Hello Toby!

You're doing it wrong! Never eat other dogs poop! Your supposed to roll in that! Makes you smell soooooo sexy! You know you're really good at it when you can wiggle down into a pile while your mommy is in the yard. Takes talent!

The poop that is ment to be eaten is kitty poop, it's nice and crunchy! Helps scrub those toofers! Bunny poop are little morsels of heaven.  Fox poop is ok to eat but I prefer to roll in that too. Deer poop is rarely found, but if you can find it you have hit the jackpot! I guess on your walks your mommy is thinking all the poop is doggy poop. Doesn't she know that the other mommies pick all that up?? You should be allowed to munch on all the other poops with no issues! Enjoy all those flavors!

If all the munching is making you too 'fluffy' just do some extra zoomies and practice jumping a bit more to build those muscles up. You muscles need to be fed lots of yummies. The more muscles you have the more you can eat.

Happy poop munching!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Social Pups

Rainy here! Not every pup loves having company over. Us greyhounds are very social and love having our friends visit!

Here is Bruno. He's the reason Mom got Miss Sunshine

Miss Gracie! We love going on walkies with her.

The fluff ball is Dexter

He was in LOVE with one of our chewy bones

Of course not being a greyhound he's a loud mouth! He's lucky he doesn't taste like chicken.



Ok we are awake! Now what are we doing today?

Camera Zoom

Can capture so many fun early morning pics!