Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Early Sunshine Says 8/29/2012

Queen Gracie would like to know if its very lady like to play like a two year old when you turn 12? Lately, I have been barking at Daddy to feed me two or three dinners everynight, then afterwards I like to flop in the livingroom and play with stuffies like a two year old! I really never played until I turned 12. Daddy thinks I might be getting a little senile. What do you think?

Queen Gracie,

Mommy iz telling mah sister dat once she gets two a certain oldness, she does knot habs to have any more manners. I finks des magically happens at 10 years of oldness. Iffen you don't gots to habs any manners I wud finks that yous could eats as much as you wants! Gud jobs in training dose humans. Yous get to eat as much as you wants and da stuffies are glorious! Queen Gracie your not senile your just following the rulze! Make sure dey feed yous some stringy cheeses... Also yous should start defluffing dose stuffies. Da humans are bored someatimes and dey like to keeps busy putting dem back togevers. Enjoys! I gots 5 more years until I can habs no manners.


Another Causality

Maybe Sunshine needs more fish in her diet?

I do knot knows what Momma is talkings about. The kitty did it...

Schedule Announcement!

The blog will be taking a vacation for the next week. We should be back up and running Sept Tuesday4th. The weekly Sunshine Says column will be posted early today. There may be a slim possibility of one or two posts being made throughout the week, but the odds are stacked against us.

Random thoughts for today

I need to stop taking other people's views into such high regard and need to do what *I* think is best.

There should be an age limit on who can drive during morning rush hour. If you're over 70, stay off the road until 9am!

You can have too many vacation in one summer. I am exhausted.

No matter how bad of a day you have had laughing is a great way to end it.

Drugs are good! Attempt #2 on a allergy med combo seems to be working perfectly so far.

My puppies are the cutest ever!



How cute is this face? She still just melts my heart

I'ma pancake!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to use two couches

Need Sunshine Says Help!

We are running low on questions... I only have 2 more in que! Sunshine needs to share her intelligence with all. You can bring up the Sunshine Says Category on the right of your screen to see what's already been asked :)

Sunshine Says 8/22/2012

Dear Miss Sunshine,  I am a young pupper with
an OLD sister who does not play.  I stand in front of her and bark and bark
at her, but all she does is lay there on the sofa ignoring me and
pretending to sleep.  Sometimes I even get right in her face to try and get
her attention.  Then she gets irritated with me and snaps her teeth at me.
All I want her to do is play with me a little bit.  How do I get her lazy
self up off the sofa to play with me?  I love to play ball and tug-o-war.
Please reply quick, fast, and in a hurry as patience is not one of my

Thank you :)

E. A. Poe

Hello Poe! Sounds liks your sister is noooo funs! Yous wants to be careful iffen she gots big toofers. She coulds eats you! Mah big sister used to yells at me all da time! So touchy! Yelling when a bumped her, stepped on her, tried to cuddle, jumping up and down. She wuz grouchy!

You gots tooo options. Number one is to waits it outs. Mah big sister didn't stops being grouchies for almost free years! It wuz foreber! Now she sometimes plays and neber reallys yells. She slowly helping me impress Mommy with bof of our awesomness brains.

Da secooond option is to get another sibling! Habs your Mommy gets a more fun sister to play wif you or maybes a fun brofer to play? Da more puppies in da home da bettah! Start whining for a new friend.

Goods luck mah friend Poe!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A good helper

The best secretary there is


Big bed timeshare

Anyone ever get the feeling your just time sharing your bed? Once that alarm goes off you loose all bed rights.

bettah den da bacum!

Sunshine here! Mommy had the bestest fing when she gots home last nights. She had magic gloves, dat are almost as gud as da magic fingernails. She put da yellow fings on her hands and we went outside. Den she gave me a all ober massage. ahh.... soooooooo gud! I lubs it on mah necks. All mah furs went flyings eberywhere. Den Mommy sprays some yummy smelly stuffs on me and used da slicker brush ta gets all da flying furs off. I looks sooooo pretty!

Den Rainy habs a turn and she chattered when her earsies and face was done. Rainys gots a booboo shoulder so she swowly walked back inside den as soon as she gots in da kitchen she pranced bery bery bouncy to go show BF how beautiful she wuz.  Shes such a show offs!

Da ebil kitty Frizzle lubs it until her spray hads to go on and Momma was all covereds in fur from the kitties! It made Frizzle extra shiny. She hurst mah eyes now!

Fat kitty Murdoc didn't growl at Momma like he usually does wen Momma gets da furs out ob him. He just tried to bites Momma but he does dat wheneber he gets pet anyways. He's a mean old kittah.

Den we gots to go on a tiny short walk because obs Rainy's booboo shoulder. Ops gotta runs! Momma is comings for her laptops....

* I actually used some dry kitchen dish gloves (those big rubber yellow things) and light lightly rubbed them all over. You won't believe the amount of hair I got out! Even on their legs! Your not supposed to do it too long because it will hurt their skin from all the hair being pulled out but all the critters seemed to like it. It gets two thumbs up and it's CHEAP. I'm going to try and do everyone 3-4 times a week and see if that reduces the vacuuming needed.



Laundry smells nice

Friday, August 17, 2012


Turkey legs! numnumnum

Why does Momma have to bring out that flashy box?

Oh well I'll ignore her and keep numnumnumnuming


They are summering outside. Hope they survive to see winter again!

Sunshine pouts

Mommy I don't like it when you pack your stuff and not pack ours!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sunshine Says 8/15/2012

Dear Miss Sunshine,

I got an owie at doggie camp this past weekend on my footie.  Ouch!  So now
Daddy is playing veter-binarian and keeps puttin stuff on it and then
puttin a BABY SOCK on my foot!  How do I convince him not to?

Yur Pal,
Bogey Monster

Hi Bogey! Mommy calls me a Monster too! Almost eberyday! It all depends on the siveritys of your booboos. If dey arr teeny tiny booboos den you just keep ripping da sock off! Gis chew frooo the bottom of da sock wif dose toofers. Dat way your Daddy canknot use da sock again.  Once you hab da socks off never lick and chew da booboo. Dis will teach da humans dat eberyfing heals faster wit jus leaving it alone wif da airs hitting it.

Iffen you have a really really bads booboos you needs to leave it alone! Booboos dat gets infected make da Daddy's shove icky icky pills in yo moufs! Once I had a big bad booboos and my skins on mah toes and paw had to grow back! Mama kept putting yummy honey on it eberyday and I would lay supah still on teh bed and chew on da towel while she bandaged it! Momma still has holes in dat  towel and it's now foreber MINE.

Now Mr Bogey, How do you gets your Daddy to take yous to doggie camp? Are dere scary humans der? Any small scary screaming doggies? I fink I want to go play at doggie camp...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Queen of the rock!

I lubs jumping on mah rock during walkies! I can see eberyfing! Don't I looks pretty up here?

A Freezer

full of dog food = happiness

Monday, August 13, 2012

"Like" us on Facebook!

Once we get to 80 likes we will be giving away a free tag collar. All you have to do to enter is click like on our Facebook page


MooMoo Trachea!

Momma started giving us chewies every night. She says our toofers are getting dingy.

Rainy wants to just sleep with hers

Sunshine is much more interested

Mommy says it smells putrid, but I think it's a GLORIOUS smell

Tastes pretty good

Better than an ice cream code

Slurp Slurp


Chomp! We loff all of our treats!