Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunshine Says 9/12/2012

Question for Miss Sunshine: Dear Miss Sunshine, I am a laid back puppy with
a long day mapped out of snoozin and roachin with the occasional chewie
involved. My mommy got me a brother... he's called a boston terror. He
likes to play when I like to sleep. He takes my toys froms me when I play.
He slobers on all the good stuffies. Help! How can I get this little thing
with big ears and bad farts to leave my stuff alone? Fanks for the help,
P.s- I loves your pink collar!

Hemi, I habs some berybery bad news fur yous. Wittle brovers are always irritatings! Trys to starts hidings does stuffies so he canknot gets dem. Always sleeps wid one stuffy underneaf yous so he cannot gets it full o slobbers. Covers your nose wif your paws while you sleeps! Little dogs are smelly!Maybe yous can get da kitties to take him out for yous? Dose kitties have big powers... I hope he does knot steal your chewies too! Gud Lucks Hemi and yous should habs your momma buy yous a nice leather collar like mine as payments for such a bratty brover!


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