Sunday, January 13, 2013

Today's walk at Rockwood Park




Everyone was excited to see each other20130113_122253

Sunshine found a rock!20130113_122303

20130113_122307(0) 20130113_122350

She even shared with Rainy!20130113_122351

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Noble and Gracie were trucking along20130113_122447

Gracie got broken with her leash! Noble thinks they take to long!20130113_122507


This is more like it20130113_123251

Fluffy Dexter! The non greyhound20130113_123252 20130113_123334

Sniffing those sniffs20130113_123352

Look how handsome Noble is!20130113_123411

Hurry up Mom!20130113_123954Poor Bruno was boxed in when he was done sniffing!