Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ask Miss Sunshine 12/12/2012

Mah mommy keeps talking about "getting a foster". I see that you sometime
have "fosters" at your house.. Does this mean mah mommy doesn't love me
anymore? -- Phil


Phil mah fwreind!

Fosters are compucated! We habs our first realz one and she iz knot a greyhoundie likes us! I dont eben fink she's a puppy. Sounds like a piggy to me. Habents hears her sqeual yets dow... Da most important fing iz dat they are knot stay foreber! Only bisiting. Dey may chews your toys, but your Momma will gets you noo ones iffen dat happens. Dey may steals your foods, but your Momma wills gets you mo iffen dat happens.

Yours suposed to be bery polite and nices ta da fosters. Dey don't know hows to libes in a homes and dey dontt habs a momma ta takes care obs dem. Dey don't habs da manners dat friend houndies habs. Iffen it's too much fo yous you can hides on da Momma's bed to gets away.  In a little whiles da fosters learn some manners and it's not as horribles. Yous just habs to be polites and a gud examples ob manners until da foster finds a foreber homes. Every puppy deserves a warm safes homes with lots of toys and snuggles.

Remebers yous Momma still lubs yous! Dat foster will go to their homes eventually....


  1. I felt like we hadn't had any Sunshine questions for a while! ;)

  2. The pipe is dry! She needs more questions! LOL
