Friday, October 5, 2012

Broken Gutter

So the gutter out front has never worked right. We noticed it way back when we first looked at the house. The most recent downpour flooded the front flower bed, scattered wood chips, and almost killed the rose bush! So BF set out to fix the gutters and found this

Yup that might cause a drainage problem!


  1. Yes glad I didn't stick my hand I there to clear it!

  2. I don't stick my hand in places like that! I was cleaning out the gardens one time and dumping the buildup out of the down spout extensions by taking them off and holding them up vertically and shaking them. Well, one shook back and all I thought was SNAKE!, so I threw it. It stopped wiggling, so I kicked it. Then I felt horrible because out came a baby bunny.

  3. eeeekkkkk that story was so not looking like it was going to end with an Aww. Yup much easier to let someone else stick their hands in scary places!
